Monday, September 8, 2008

Work it... work it!!

Went to the gym today to sweat it off... I feel so tired right now. I haven't worked out in the gym for awhile. It feels great to get back on the treadmill. After that went striaght to the pool! *splash* I dived right in.

After all that I feel so tired but refreshed. Anyuway.. chatting with my 2 best friends Laura and Justin. Miss them so much! Arrrrggghhh! Can't wait to hang out with u guys again! and thanks for the "naughty" gift LOL... I'll be sure to use it. For all who don't know what it is... don't guess! Cuz u won't get it right ;)

Gd nite! *yawn*


Nathan said...

So, you went to the gym eh? I went to the fitness center yesterday. How often do you usually go?

hautediva said...

Hi dear! This is Haute-Diva from I saw ur tag at my cbox regarding the PadiniA. Toga top & Green lace skirt ya? Btw, the green lace skirt is stretchable so i guess it can fit size from S>small L (:

Btw, do email me back at kay? (: